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1. Which continent has the highest number of countries ?
Ans : Africa
2. Which of the following country was the host of First Asian Yoga Championship held recently ?
Ans : Thailand
3. What is the name of science through which you can modify the characteristics of an organism by modifying its DNA ?
Ans : Genetic Engineering
4. Which among the following is India’s largest indigenous Research and Production nuclear reactor ?
Ans : Dhruva
5. What was the basis of the National Calendar of India ?
Ans : Saka Era
6. Which is the Indian state with the second highest literacy rate ?
Ans : Mizoram
7. Christine Lagarde, who recently headed the G-20 meeting of Finance Ministers and Governors of central Banks is Finance Minister of which among the following countries ?
Ans : France
8. When was the first Nobel prize awarded ?
Ans : 1901 A.D.
9. In which year, Imperial Records Department (IRD) was established, which is now known as National Archives of India ?
Ans : 1891 A.D.
10. Which among the following sports is NOT a part of the London Olympics ?
Ans : Baseball
11. Who among the following has been defeated by Saina Nehwal, who has won the Swiss Open Grand Prix Gold title recently, becoming the First Indian to do so ?
Ans : Ji Hyun Sung
12. Where is going to be established the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) , the latest & first Category-I institute of UNECO in South Asia ?
Ans : New Delhi
13. Anant Pai, better known as ‘Uncle Pai’ , who recently died was the creator of which among the following comic series ?
Ans : Amar Chitra Katha
14. What is the World’s largest island ?
Ans : Greenland
15.How high is Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world ?
Ans : 29,035 feet (8,850 meters)
16. What is the longest mountain range in the world ?
Ans : Andes
17. Which of these mountains is also an active volcano ?
Ans : Popocatépetl(Mexico)
18. Which is the highest peak in the Western Hemisphere ?
Ans : Aconcagua
19. Mt. Ararat, long thought to be the traditional resting place of Noah's Ark, is located where ?
Ans : Eastern Turkey
20. In which country is Mount Fuji located ?
Ans : Japan
21. In which country is Mont Blanclocated ?
Ans : France
22. In which country is Mount Kilimanjaro located ?
Ans : Tanzania
23. Which of these mountains is the highest mountain in the United States ?
Ans : Mount McKinley(Alaska)
24. Who was the first Prime minister of Bangladesh ?
Ans: Mujibur Rehman
25. Which is the longest highway in the world ?
Ans: The Trans Canada
26. Which is the longest river in the world ?
Ans : The Nile
27. How long the longest highway in the world ?
Ans : About 8000 KM
28. Which is the highest mountain in the world ?
Ans : The Mt. Everest
29. Which country that accounts for nearly one third of the total teak production of the world ?
Ans : Myanmar
30. Which country is the largest coffee growing country in the world ?
Ans : Brazil
31. Which country is also known as "country of Copper" ?
Ans : Zambia
32. What is the name of the border which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan ?
Ans : Durand line
33. The river Volga flows out into the-
Ans : Caspian sea
34. The coldest place on the earth is-
Ans : Verkoyansk in Siberia
35. The country which ranks second in terms of land area is-
Ans : Canada
36. Which is the largest Island in the Mediterranean sea ?
Ans : Sicily
37. The river Jordan flows out into the-
Ans : Dead sea
38. Which is the biggest delta in the world ?
Ans : The Ganges Delta
39. The capital city that stands on the river Danube is-
Ans : Belgrade
40. The Japanese call their country as-
Ans : Nippon
41. How long the English channel is ?
Ans : 564 kilometres
42. Which is the world's oldest known city ?
Ans : Damascus
43. Which city is also known as the City of Canals ?
Ans : Venice
44. In which country the river Wangchu flows ?
Ans : Myanmar
45. Which is the biggest island of the world ?
Ans : Greenland
46. Which city is the biggest centre for manufacture of automobiles in the world ?
Ans : Detroit, USA
47. Which country is the largest producer of manganese in the world ?
Ans : China & South Africa
48. Which country is the largest producer of rubber in the world ?
Ans : Malaysia
49. Which country is the largest producer of tin in the world ?
Ans : China
50. Which river carries maximum quantity of water into the sea ?
Ans : Amazon River
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